2 min read

The Next Frontier of Employee Engagement

how AI and "digital twins" are set to transform employee engagement, making tasks more efficient and communication seamless. Learn about 'dynamic knowledge rendering' as the new frontier in streamlining information exchange within the workplace.
The Next Frontier of Employee Engagement

We're on the brink of a revolution, one that's not just led by AI and machine learning, but specifically by advances in natural language understanding. We've reached a point where interacting with technology is becoming as easy as having a conversation. Imagine a world where every business has a "digital brain" filled with organisational knowledge that can be accessed using plain language. That's not science fiction; it's the not-so-distant future.

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We recently conducted a survey that revealed something many might find surprising: people generally don't enjoy their work. But dig a bit deeper, and you'll find that it's not the job itself they dislike; it's the bureaucracy surrounding it. Imagine how much more engaged and productive employees could be without the administrative tasks that currently take up 50% of their time.

So, how do we make this better? The solution lies in harnessing the potential of AI and natural language understanding to facilitate employee engagement and productivity. Employees won't necessarily have to learn to code, but they'll need to understand how AI can make their jobs easier. The end goal? Empowering every employee to be a "developer" in a broader sense, leveraging AI to solve problems and enhance productivity.

Let's delve into some terms that are central to this vision of the future.

The Digital Organisational Brain

Think of it as a super-smart repository that houses everything from Sally's holiday request to the financial performance of the business. It comprises various "digital doppelgangers," which are essentially intelligent models representing different facets of organisational knowledge. These models can answer questions, provide insights, and interact in natural language.

Dynamic Knowledge Rendering

This is where it gets groundbreaking. Dynamic knowledge rendering is the process of tailoring information to individual needs. Instead of static reports, think of living, breathing models that users can query to extract information in the way that suits them best. You could even receive information as an audio file set to an Elvis tune, if that's what you prefer.

Practical Scenarios

So you want to know about money laundering regulations for personal loans? Your personal digital doppelganger knows you well — your likes, dislikes, and preferences. It talks to the legal doppelganger in your company, gets the information, converts it into an audio file in Elvis's voice because it knows you like to kickstart your mornings with 'The King,' and uploads it to your Spotify playlist for you to listen to at 7 am. The entire process is automated and personalised.

Where Does This Take Us?

In this future, we transition from a rigid structure of human to human, human to system interactions, to a more fluid model of human to model, and model to model conversations. The repercussions for employee engagement are immense. With AI lifting the mundane tasks off their shoulders, employees can focus on what humans are truly good at: creativity, strategy, and innovation.

As AI and natural language understanding continue to advance, so too does the potential for a new era of work — one that not only benefits businesses but also reimagines what employee engagement looks like. We're not just talking about incremental changes here; we're talking about a seismic shift that could redefine our entire approach to work and productivity.

So let's embrace this brave new world, where technology isn't just a tool, but an intelligent entity that collaboratively pushes the boundaries of what's possible. Cheers to a future where work isn't just a place you go to, but a fulfilling activity that brings out the best in all of us.